Here I want to explain the basis of calendar make over as I write in my article here, and an explanation of why this personal fortune fengshui will automatically direct our lives to the luck that we have chosen or we make over. Which is occurs automatically as the calendar of your birth and your name direct you to your own luck in this time since you were born.
The universe is moving and alive, so it has the ability of motion (vitality) and also the life cycle as well, all beings and all things, including all the things that happened because of the activities of various creatures and objects, either the star up there were grouped into different constellations, or those at the bottom of the ocean. Vitality and life cycle itself is actually interrelated and mutually influencing one another. It depend on how big the power of the beam itself can influencing other beings or objects.
Every object itself, including the human body and even the stars though, consists of
• Substance that forming the body itself,
• Character of substance itself can vary along particles and structures of beings and objects
• The ability of the substance itself, both visible or still hidden inside as potential abilities
• Instinct or desire as a natural talent that emerged from each of beings or objects
• Growing power which become the base of the substance untill the beings to interact each other
• Life power which become the beginning and the end of life of every substance until every beings to move and interact.
In different levels and different forms, consciously or unconsciously, every self radiation of all objects including living creatures, have five things mentioned above. Resulting in each influences one another.
In Fengshui, astrology known as a something that affects the way of person's life, it's because all the stars and moon have the nature ability to always gives self radiation in all directions indiscriminately with the ability to transmit in high levels. And the self radiation will reach the earth and be accepted by all creatures and all things on earth, either with joy or forced.Then the whole beings and thing even ghost or somekind like that, as long as still in the realm of the earth, all exposed by this star’s radiation.
In contrast to this, all creatures on earth, in their original state of theirself an sich, if I may say no one, could only capable sending their self radiation to the whole universe as the stars and the moon up there to the earth. On average, they only could send their self radiation limited to the neighborhood where he was born and raised.
Whereas in each moment in every time a wide range of stars overthere make movements altogether. The result is self radiation’s that differ each time just like making the fingerprint pattern of each self radiation itself. Every time is different, that's why every situation has their kind of self radiation’s fingerprint in each respective time period. This will explain why someone who indigo or who has sixth sense often has an ability to understan the situation in different times, some of them only have a feeling about situation in certain period of time, some of them can see it through, even some indigo are able to interact with the beings or object from different times and period.
This is the base reason why we change our own calendar birth in search of fortune that suits us. We get closer and get unite ourselves with the calendar which according to us has a great fortune so that our fate is also following it up become great fortune too. Coupled with make over of our name in order to reach the good meaning of the name. So after we managed to absorb a great calendar and make over our name, the outcome is that the entire structure of ourselves (body and inner) will change slowly. This changing usually occur after the first hundred day, or after about 3 months, after that we can enjoy our new luck daily.
In the transition period, this kind of change is also affecting the environmental situation around us as well, dont forget, we also radiate our selves to another. So do not be surprised if there are changes occurring in the environment around us, such as :
• We met with people who are new and on the other side we kept away from the people we already know.
• There are job opportunities come up which different from todays work, either different location or different type of work, or other differences.
• We began to feel kept away from certain people in our extended family or vice versa.
• We finding a new environment that more comfortable place to stay or activity compared to our now’s environtment.
• And others.
Then the key for surpass this situation is be patient and refrained, dont oppose the change, it will be better and more successful if harmonize themselves and enthusiastic in welcoming the change.
Remember, all the success in the world, whether it's a new religion, new kingdom, until the new discovery in the world, achieve the success by changing theirselves with passion and harmony to a better environtment compare with nowadays situation. Maybe I can say it tend to be an opportunists, just like investment players, we will try to be as flexible as we can to harmonize ourselves with the various successes situation that available around us.
Remember, taking available opportunity is not always make us success, because often we take the chance that instead of bringing us towards success even bringing us to the brink of failure. This is the use of personal fortune fengshui you accepted from me, it can be the base of our step while taking an opportunity in avoiding missteps.