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BI (Indonesian Central Bank) Launch New Banknote Rp 2.000

Thursday, 09/07/2009 13:30 WIB Rev. Daniel - detikFinance. free translation by : NGDlover Photo: BI

Jakarta - Indonesian Central Bank (Bank Indonesia or BI) officially launched banknote Rp 2000 as legal tender in Indonesia. New banknotes is dominated by gray colour.
The launch of this new money committed by officials Governor of Bank Indonesia, Miranda S. Goeltom, accompanied by Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia in money circulation, S. Budi Rochadi, Governor of South Kalimantan, Rudy Ariffin, and the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Agustin Teras Narang in Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, Thursday (9/7/2009).

Issuance of the new emission of paper money is as an implementation of Bank Indonesia's policy in the field of money circulation in order to satisfy the needs of dollars in public money in a fairly nominal amount, suite the appropriate fractions, timely and in proper condition circulation," explained Miranda.
Picture of this money is Prince Antasari (National Hero from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan) following by the image of Dayak Traditional Dance on the back of the paper. The money will be valid as legal tender starting on July 10, 2009.
BI in the press release explain that the reason to select that picture refers to the design of paper money before that come up with theme of National Hero. This is will be a matter of appreciation to the heroes and to contribute to the preservation of national culture.
New banknotes Rp 2000 dominated by gray colour with the security elements of image watermark Prince Antasari and with security threads embedded in paper money and writed repeatedly phosphorescent BI2000 under ultraviolet light. NGDlover articles


Keng eNeS said...

Mana shoutboxnya sob, hehe...
Minal 'Aidin Walfaizin. Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin...

Ngdlover said...

sama2 kang, mohon maaf lahir batin juga

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