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Kaisar Civet Coffee ( Kopi Luwak Merk Kaisar)

A cup of Kaisar Original Civet Coffee "Kopi Luwak Asli Kaisar"
moneygolddiamond - I'm a coffee lover, I like to spend working days accompanied by a cup of delicate coffee. Since I now stay in my mother country, Lampung Province, I have a great time to taste a famous and very expensive coffee in the world. A cup of original Civet Coffee, or as Indonesian peoples named it , Kopi Luwak Asli.

Actually our family have a civet coffee product which have brand name "Kaisar", meaning Caesar or Czar. It is a full, deep, dark chocolate delicious Robusta coffee. This Kaisar have a highest grade of civet coffee.
Me  in front of Pesagi, Sumatera coffee farm.
Come from the Pesagi mountain (part of Bukit Barisan mountain) region in Liwa, West Lampung, Sumatera - Indonesia.  Founded in just recently this month and serving wholesale and retail customers throughout the country and to the world as well, see also our Yummy Aromatic Green Mountain Caesar Coffee page which explain further about our delicious and aromacious coffee.

Civet in coffee tree

As you know, a civet coffee is refer to a kind of tastefull coffee made from an unusual source - the droppings of a nocturnal, cat-like animal called the palm civet. In old time among famers, civets are usually seen as pests and hunted for their meat. But their droppings are worth their weight in gold. Civets are carnivorous but they also have a taste for the sweet, red coffee cherries that contain the beans. Then the beans pass through the civet whole after fermenting in the stomach and that's what gives the coffee its unique taste and aroma.

Feeding the civet

Our civet coffee beans named locally as "bengbeng"

Route To The Original Civet Coffee Land 

If you want to go to the place which the natural civet coffee beans found, just go to the Raden Intan II Airport, take the rental car to the Liwa city, which cost you around Rp.150,000. to Rp.300,000. (around US$ 14 to us$ 28) per person, or alternatively you can rent the car for yourself only, then just ask the driver to go to the civet coffee farmer. Some of the farmers is build their farm not too far from road so you can go by your car, but if you want to know the area of natural civet coffee founded, you have to go by trail and droppings high into the Pesagi mountain, in search of the exotic beans.

Civet coffee farm in Liwa area,
left is robusta while the right is robinson ?
In ancients, the farmers have been gathering this coffee for their own consumption only. They never sell it the people. Since it comes through some kind of natural processing, it's become more oily, and there's more aroma with a good taste that make the cost is so high. The expensive kind of coffee in the world.

How is it different from ordinary coffee ?

After washing by water, the civet coffee is frying in a clay pan
Some people ask me how different the civet coffee compared by ordinary coffee ?
The civet coffee which has traditionally fried
Well, I can guarantee you that the civet coffee  is having more strenght aroma while its fried by clay pan, if you fry it with aluminium, stone or other pan, you will loose that very stronght aroma. My family is use to and always frying the coffee beans with clay pan. After the cofee beans has welldone, as soon as possible we wrapp this coffee beans with aluminium foil, and store it or sell it.

Can I buy it online ?

The answer is sure why not ? the complete 'how to buy our Kaisar Civet Coffee' is here :


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Unknown said...


Long time no hear. Hope you and family are well. Happy Eid maaf zahir batin

Interesting post. I like coffee too but never had this coffee

Take care

Ngdlover said...

me and my child are fine, hope you fine too, thanks for your comment,

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