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Best Steps to Save Your Money in Implementing VOIP /IP Telephony Systems

Go Green and Save! Nowadays, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services has become the needs for businesss. it was made popular by Skype and Vonage, they both have made us aware of it. The use of VoIP solutions at businesses have evolved into "unified communications" services, such as phone calls, faxes, voice mail, e-mail, Web conferences and more, it is all can be delivered via any means and to any handset, including cellphones.

If you want to implement the flexibility of this kind technology, better you consider this list of best steps, I found it on E How and Ring Central site. It is very important to selecting the right vendor for your business for the right amount of money you wish to spend for implementation.

  1. Your business colleagues experience will be your best guru

    Take the time to talk to colleagues in businesses similar to yours. Whether you are in the implementation process or  just on the exploration stage, they will know how much help you may be looking for.

    Some data's that you must collect such as which companies they contacted, what types of systems they looked at and what they did and didn't like about what they saw or heard. It can be your best in formation to help you avoid the same mistakes they may have made during this process.

  2. Searching Over Internet

    First, you should keep in mind that there are two facets to VoIP implementations 1) the vendor who produces the equipment and software. This may be a Mitel, Cisco, NEC, or a whole host of other systems and 2) the vendor that will be implementing the VoIP solution. This is often a 3rd party vendor that may specialize in phone systems, computers/networking, or design and integration of voice and data solutions.

    Your result of it will come into decision to selecting a product and selecting a vendor to implement it. So do a  good research of it.
  3. Understanding  the features of phones and VoIP system.

    Wide range of usability is the great advantages of the VoIP system in general and VoIP phones options. You can start with a basic system to save on money. Or if a company embraces technology and will readily use new features of a fancy phone and system, will be good to make extra investment to go with a feature-rich system.

    There are so much question that can be asked by you about the available features of every system you look at. One best step to do is get from salesperson about their thoughts on what your company could benefit from. If a sales person asks you what type of applications you are planning on integrating with the system, present the question back to them. Just not to lay on their explanation because your best interest is basically not the salesperson interest in you.

  4. Very important to knowing much about what company will become implementor for your new VoIP system

    Since the success of your VoIP implementation will largely depend on the company that is implementing it for you. Make sure they can handle your job by looking at their company profile, they wil provide information like implementation they have done before, years of their experienced with IP Telephony, QoS, switches, VLANS, and other network related items, their support and contact along implementation and after sales service, also their reference about the vendor of jobs that went well and jobs that didn't go so well. Trying to narrow down your selection and take a good notes on it, cause you will likely come back to that information multiple times. The more information you have, the easier you come into best decide.
  5. And last but not least, Be prepared for phone calls

    Since the salesperson is a very good in pursuing peoples. Although it is all up to your decision, just hold on your action plan you have before. So, be prepared for a flood of calls from other vendors trying to set up meetings with you.
Complete Phone and Fax Service for Mobile Professionals


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