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How To Check Gold Coin Before You Buy It

Moneygolddiamond - Oneday, two months ago, when I went to a recycle shop near my apartment, I was seeing a set of gold coin sold on the gold price on that day. I wonder, why the gold coin being sold in this recycle shop ? is it considered a recycle stuff ? then my next question was how to check the originality of this coin ? After a little observation, I decided to went home and googling for some characteristic of the coin I was seen

In the past time, when it comes to check the purity of the gold, peoples are doing it just like the movie tell you, bite it ! Its sound strange but it is based on the fact that Gold is very soft metal, comparing to all base metals. Biting a genuine gold coin would leave some teeth marks on its surface.

Another way to check if the coin is a fake one or not is to listen how it jangles. You can use a small iron stick or even your fingernail and carefully hit to the upperside of the gold coin. A trained ears could distinguish the real gold coin from the fake one. As long as I know, Fake gold coins sound dull, heavy and uninteresting compared to the real one. Please bear in mind that this test may rather be not always reliable as we have to train our ear first before we can do it excellently.

A 99% gold will having a unique smell that only belong to the gold itself. Again, we have to train our sense of smell first before we can distinguish the real one from the fake one. But it can only test the surface of the gold coin, we cannot smell inside of the gold.

There're a few things again that you can try even if you have no access to or desire to communicate with your local coin dealer:

Just like another purchase ritual, we have to check the detail of our chosen gold coin. Its better if you have a real coin to compare with, but if you dont have it, go search a photo and the detail online and compare it . Factors such as weight and size, letters and numbers including space between them, marks and images, also edge of the coin (coin rim).

There are many places to buy online, just be careful before decided to buy it. see where your seller is located, check their reliable feedback, check about their business reputation from business review watch such as BBB in USA. Buy only professionally graded or "slabbed" coins, because these coins are still in plastic capsules (slabs) and have already been graded and authenticated by such services, like Professional Coin Grading Services (http://www.pcgs.com/) or Numismatic Guarantee Corporation (http://www.ngccoin.com/) or some others, they grading are readily accepted around the world and they guarantee their authentication, but usually cost more than not slabbed ones, but they guarantee authentication and that's worth it.

Click here to see some of the slabbed gold coins, which are selling now.

Last but not least, even if you are not a newbie, ask a professional or an expert about gold coin. You can do it by offline or online. If by offline, you will probably see their appropriate equipment to javascript:void(0)take a check for your gold coin. Some devices may be quite expensive or unaffordable for you while some others may be not accessible for public. But if you want to try it yourself, you can check the tools here...........If you prefer to do this online, you will always get a great help by become a member of a great coin forum such as coinforum.com or coinpeople.com. Ask somebody there, they have plenty of experts ready to help you and give enlightments about your chosen gold coin. Give them a photo of the coin or a link to a webpage.

Written by : Mas Buddy / NGDlover
Labels/Categories : Gold Info, Gold Investment, Coin Info, Understanding Gold
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