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Egypt Jewelry Design That Associate To Past Time

Notegolddiamond - which jewelry design does in your opinion that associate with the past time ? Do you ever have feeling to wear it to connect to your past life ? That may explain the recent popularity of Egyptian Jewelry. Ancient Egypt's cultures was rich and diverse and fabulously wealthy. Wealthy Egyptians had the disposable income to adorn themselves in jewelry that reflected their culture and superstitions.
Labels/Categories :Ancient Jewelry, Jewelry Info

Their designs and lines is very unique and unmatched to this very day. Egyptians made incredible use of their abundant natural resources including gold, silver, amethyst, quartz and jasper. They primarily used gold as the foundations for their dramatic designs.

Egyptian's religious come up into their culture on jewelry. They really appreciated their jewelry more than the ornaments to their beauty, but also the spirit. As you can see in some examples below

 The color green (wadj) was the color of vegetation and new life. To do "green things" was slang for beneficial, life-producing behavior. So the  green jade is used to represent fertility.

They also made extensive use of the scarab. The Scarab is called the dung beetle because of its practice of rolling a ball of dung across the ground. The Egyptians observed this behavior and equated it with the ball of the sun being rolled across the sky. The scarab represents re-birth and jewelry with a scarab was often placed in the tombs of deceased nobles in order to create the means of their movement back to life.

The ankh is one of the symbol associated with Egyptian jewelry. It is a symbol of eternal life. The gods are often seen holding an ankh to someone's lips this is considered to be an offering of "The Breath of Life". The breath you will need in the afterlife. This symbol was and is often represented by a cross with a loop on top. It was tied to the Egyptian gods and is often called the “key of life.”

Another symbol that is often used is the cartouche. The cartouche was referred to as a magical oval. Many times pharaohs would wear an amulet based on a cartouche that had the pharaoh’s name inscribed on it. The rich symbolism afforded by the amulet would guarantee perpetual life for the divine pharaoh. This symbolism is still used by designers today as jewelry connoisseurs often have their name inscribed on their own cartouche.

You can find another symbol of ancient egypt at here,
Thanks to My Jewelry Box, for the good source and the idea

Some types of Egyptian jewelry worn by the ancients and modern people include bracelets, baubles and rings. Rings based on Egyptian motifs are especially popular today with people expressing a desire for rings adorned with scarabs.

Egyptian jewelry is popular today because consumers can merge the historic with current techniques and personalize their pieces. You cannot ask for a more perfect blend of the past and present and there is no doubt that Egyptian jewelry will continue to be popular as people desire more meaning from their jewelry purchases.

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