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My Gold Ingot Journey

Author : NGDlover

I remember first time touching the ‘ingot’ . in year 2000, I had been a plan to went to Pongkor, a wellknown golden mining operated by PT.ANTAM, one of gold mining state company in Indonesia. I Went with my friends Bambang and Hartaya, and carying a brass bar which have similar manner with gold ingot. We had a plan to seek for information about this kind of gold ingot manner, besides we had asked by our friends to look for the price of gold near the mining area

Before I reached the location, my friends want us to take a rest in a local clergy house. I'm forget the name of him, his house just like a hermitage than a house itself with some people learning soufism inside.

My friends explained our aimed to went to Pongkor gold mining. "Thats OK, but first before all of you go there, you must understand the genuine one" he said. Afterward, he asked us to take a rest for a while. some cup of original blended coffe come toward us.

I was eagered about our stuff and asked an explanation to him, but he refused to touch or see our stuff. Surprisingly, he just simply told us about details of our stuff even without seeing and touching it first !

Afterward, He went to his room and come out with a gold ingot in his hand. He told us about the difference between genuine gold ingot with the fake one. First time I realized that the genuine gold have their unique smell. Our stuff doesn’t have it. So he told that our stuff is fake and suggest us to not brought this fake any longer in our journey. So we decided to went home and fixed this before we continued our journey.

Up till now, still remain a question in my mind, how this guy can easily guess the gold eventhough without touch it first ? He also can guess it simply without saw it first ? I though it was because he has six sense in guessing something.

Next Story : My journey with real gold one, first time I know the way to purify the gold

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