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About Fake ATM & How To Use ATM Safely

Notegolddiamond - How do you feel and think when you come into an ATM ? as for me, before get into the ATM building, I have to feel secure first and looking around for suspicious people. After I feel secured enough, I go to the ATM machine and do the transaction. But, how if the ATM is fake like this ATM from the street of Xuanwu district, Beijing ? this fake ATM has made all of customers money who used this “ATM” disappeared in the bank account without a trace. This is the first fake ATM case ever cracked in Beijing as reported by Chinahush.com

Written by : NGDlover 
Labels/Categories : Money & Crime

The fake ATM can automatically record user’s bank account and password etc. information. Based on the information, a criminal, 30-year-old named Huang, then was able to withdraw money from these bank customers’ accounts.

Just similar to the real ones, this machine was placed inside of a glass fronted room with a glass door at the corner of a building. According to the person who reported the crime, when user inserted his bank card into the machine the monitor screen displayed the message that ATM was out of service. And soon after, money in his bank account was all gone. Even more, the shanzhai ATM was decorated with words like “24 hours self-service” and logos of “VISA”, “MasterCard”, “UnionPay” etc. However if you pay closer attention, it is not difficult to spot many flaws.

Police Investigator said, “First of all it looks crudely made, as you can see here is some left-over glue. The slot where receipts supposed to come out is actually solid inside. It is just a metal plate glued onto the machine. And the slot where cash supposed to come out is also sealed shut, it is impossible to have cash come out of there. The overhead security camera is just a piece of plastic. And also there is no logo or name of any specific bank on the machine. Therefore citizens who keep on guard can easily notice that this is a fake ATM.”

How To Use ATM Safely

Ok, now hw to use AT wisely and safely ? please read some steps below that giving explanation about it, thanks to about.com for this explanation.

A.   Before Using ATM
. Look Around Before You Approach
Take a quick look at your surroundings. See if anybody or anything looks suspicious. Is anybody watching you or standing too close?
. Use ATM's That You're Familiar With
If you know an area well and have used an ATM before, you can expect similar results. In other words, your chances of getting robbed at a 'familiar' ATM are less than your chances of getting robbed at a 'new' ATM. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the point is that your odds are a lot better with a trusted source.
. Look Over the Machine Before Inserting Your Card
If you see something that looks unfamiliar on the machine, it could be part of an ATM scam. Card skimmers (external readers) and hidden cameras can be used to compromise a bank account. Bottom line: if it looks funny, look for another ATM.
. Lock Your Doors and Secure Windows at Automobile ATM's
We've all heard the stories about carjacking. Think how much more attractive you are as a target with cash-in-hand. When your car is stopped and you're picking up cash, just take the half-second required to lock the doors and keep crooks out.
. Have Your Card Ready While Approaching the ATM
If you're quick, your chances are better. On the other hand, you're exposing yourself unnecessarily if you stand around the ATM digging through your wallet or purse for that special card. Get it out before you leave your car or as you're approaching the ATM and get your transaction started as soon as possible.
. Use ATM's That are Well Lit and Safe
Have you ever had to swipe your ATM (or Credit/Debit) card to get into an ATM booth after hours? One of the reasons is that only somebody with a valid card can get through the door. This makes it less likely that an 'undesirable' will approach you just as your cash is coming out. Obviously this is not foolproof -- a crook can steal somebody's card and use it immediately.
. Get Cash Out of Sight
This is pretty obvious, but some people need to be more conscious. After you get your cash, get it out of sight. Whether it's a lot of money or a little, cash can be tempting when it's out in the open.

B.   While Using ATM

. Be Observant
The most important key to using your ATM card safely is to be observant and look around for any suspicious persons or activity near the ATM machine. If you see anything that looks suspicious, go to another machine or return later.
. Have Your Card in Your Hand
It is a good idea to have your ATM card in your hand and ready to use as you approach the ATM machine so that you do not have to take extra time at the machine to take the card out of your wallet or purse.
. Shield Your Transaction
Use your body or hand or an object to shield the ATM keyboard when you enter your PIN. Do not give someone else the opportunity to see the number that you are entering.
. Don't Leave Your Receipt
Be sure to take your receipt or transaction records with you when you leave.
. Put Away Your Cash
Put your cash away immediately in your pocket, wallet or purse. Do not display or count it at the machine. You can always count it later.
. Keep Your Car Secured
Lock your car if you have to get out to use the ATM machine. If you use a drive-up ATM machine, lock all doors and be sure the passenger-side windows are rolled up.

Using an ATM at Night

  • If possible, take another person with you.
  • Park in a well-lighted area as close to the machine as possible.
  • Do not use the machine if the lights on it are not working.
  • If the view of the ATM machine is blocked by overgrown shrubbery or trees, or any other objects, use another machine.
  • Notify the bank about the visibility problem.

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