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Types of Diamond Ring Setting Style

Written by : NGDlover

About Diamond Ring Setting

There is no doubt that a diamond ring, whether an anniversary diamond ring, engagement or wedding ring, or other special purpose ring, make any memory of yours to last forever. The diamond set into a ring will always make a ring become a special one if it compare with a non diamond ring. What is a diamond ring style that suit you ? well, below is a list of (engagement/wedding/other special event) diamond ring setting style, hope it can give any idea to you when you go for a diamond ring.

Solitaire Diamond Rings

The solitaire is the classic style of a diamond ring setting. This kind of style will be a perfect choice to you if your priority is to showcase the beauty of your chosen diamond, since it will bring out the brilliance of your chosen diamond.

The solitaire ring is commonly being used in engagement and wedding ring, including my wedding ring :). If you give this style to someone, it seem you want to say that he/she is the only one for you in your life, it is a very special style of diamond ring.

Browse through this collections below and find out what kind of rings that suit you. Or, alternatively, you can online Design the diamond ring of your dreams - a new computer aided design service offered by diamonds-USA.com

Three Stone Diamond Rings

Three stone rings style are such an eternal style beside solitaire one above, if come into "love" area, it is a symbol of the eternal nature of true love. Someone who wear this style is usually very concern to her/his inner soul/beauty. Moreover, almost every religion having a special unique meaning concerning to a three eternal love of The God, with The God always symbolized as on top or centre of the three diamond rings.

These types of ring typically incorporate a center-piece diamond, with two smaller diamonds, or other precious stones, on either side.

Browse through this collections below and find out what kind of rings that suit you. Or, alternatively, you can online Design the diamond ring of your dreams - a new computer aided design service offered by diamonds-USA.com

Multi Diamond Rings

If you're looking for a glamorous ring, then consider a multi diamond ring setting. This ring setting style  suit for celebrities and famous peoples as well as their fan (also for the one who feel & think they are famous) that want to show the existence of herself/himself in their community even in the world.

If come to an engagement or wedding ring, this multi diamond ring style will be a spectacular ring for your couple. It looks like you tell your boys/girls that he/she is a famous one to you and you become his/her great lovefull fan !

You can consider a ring with side stones around the diamond, or a stone path that leading up to the central diamond at top of the ring.

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Solitaire Rings To Consider



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Three Diamond Rings to consider


An excellent site to choose when you think of diamond ring to your amazing personality is Diamonds USA,

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Multi Diamond Rings to consider



Last updated :02/19/2025 09:25:45


Unknown said...

I love them all (greedy lol)

Penny Stock Investing Strategies said...

I really love these. My favorites are the three stone diamond rings. Keep up the great work with your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Umihoney,may your diamond ring suit your love ...

ngdlover said...

Thanks Penny, let your favorite describe your inner beauty

Unknown said...

A diamond reflects true expression of love. I really like all these rings. My Favorites are three multi stones Diamond Rings. It looks like beautiful but you tell your boys/girls that he/she is a famous one to you and you become his/her great lovefull fan !

Ngdlover said...

Looks great for you jack, you have diamond rings collection that makes me jealous ! success for you...

Diamond Rings said...

Diamond Rings is a great trend.if two peoples falling in love and wants to be get married!!!!!

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inox jewelry said...

Diamonds are the woman's best friend! They would love to have even one in their jewelries!

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Every role demands a different look. Every occasion demands a different jewellery. There are fine quality diamond engagement ring. It is a today time fashion women singer.............

Thank you

Rings said...

Love the images. Not a fan of three stone diamond rings but love a unique shape like a radiant.

engagement rings said...

Although there are many engagement ring styles obtainable, one of the most idealistic is an engagement ring with a diamond heart-shaped. The heart shape communes clearly the love and adoration, of course any slowdown in search of a sole engagement ring may enjoy a heart shape diamond.

Obtainable Diamond Shapes said...

In case you thought all diamond shapes have been the identical, you could be stunned on the abundant variety of diamond shapes which might be available. Most jewelers provide at the very least 9 of the most typical gemstone shapes, including:

* Round diamonds
* Emerald diamonds
* Heart diamonds
* Princess diamonds
* Pear diamonds
* Radiant diamonds
* Asscher diamonds
* Marquis diamonds
* Oval diamonds

Two diamonds that are the same form will seem to look barely completely different relying on the scale and weight of the diamond, as well as the kind of setting that the stone is positioned in. The same ring worn on different hands can even look fairly totally different, primarily based on the dimensions of the hands.
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